Entrepreneur, author,
and motivational speaker
Jonas Royster, the award-winning author and CEO of Hood Proverbz, leads a movement focused on reentry education and personal development. Through his motivational speaking and curriculum, he provides critical resources and inspiration to those navigating life after incarceration, fostering change in communities impacted by the justice system.

Get many inspirational quotes and motivational talks from Jonas here on his website or visit other platforms to find full videos and more daily inspiration. Don't forget to follow Jonas Royster on social media to get updated material and be the FIRST to get the new videos and photos.

“ He helped me find my passion and
what I needed to do for a living to make myself happy. He helped me find the avenues to do what I wanted. Now I've
started my own consultation business.”

“ Since my son has been talking to Jonas and he has opened up more to him than a regular therapist. Bradley has done a complete 360 with the talks through Facebook and Facetime. I'm forever grateful for you Jonas."

“ I changed the way I ate, the way I felt about myself and since I've lost 30lbs.
Jonas helped bring a lot of organization
into my life.”

Let’s Talk

Schedule a time for me and you to talk online or on the phone by clicking the button below. It would be great to have the opportunity to speak to people that need a chance or a change of mind-frame to see more options in themselves and their communities. So reach out here or on social media to take advantage of some of my motivational skills and services.
Email: help@jonasroyster.com